Australia Citizenship Application

1. Personal Details 개인 신상
Your Age 만 나이 Date of birth
Driver’s license number Region issued in
Passport number 여권번호 Issuing country 발급국가
Country of Birth 출생 국가 Nationality 국적
Town/City of Birth 출생 도시 Are you of Australia Citizenship
Visa state (if applicable) 비자 상태
Year of arrival in Australia? (If not born here) 호주 도착한 년도
What languages do you speak at home
Permanent Address 현 주소
City State
Post code Country
Phone Mobile
Mailing Address (if different from above) 우편주소
City State
Post code
Marital status 결혼 상태
Marital status 결혼 상태
Spouse’s name
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Extensive course outlines are available on the ACC website
인텐시브 세미나 일정은 웹사이트를 보세요.
Which course are you applying for?
어떤 코스에 지원하시나요?
* 학기 과목 등록폼은 다른 양식을 사용합니다.
Course Enrolment Form will be separately provided
(See Enrolment form on the website)
If you are applying for a GDC or Higher Education Courses you will need to provide evidence of your previous University qualification (transcript/certificate).
Requires previous theological study.
준석사 과정이나 석사 과정을 신청하신다면, 이전에 공부한 학위를 제출해 주세요
I intend to study
At which campus do you intend to study at?
어떤 캠퍼스에서 공부하시나요?
In which semester do you intend to commence your studies?
언제 시작하시나요?
Are you, or have you been, a student of the Australian College of Theology?
이전에 ACT에서 공부한 적 있나요?
How do you intend to cover your course fees?
학비를 어떻게 지불하실 예정입니까?
Is there anything else that we should know regarding
your financial position?
재정적 상황에 대해 학교측에서 알아야 할 내용이 있습니까?
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Educational History 교육배경
High/secondary school or equivalent from which you graduated or will be graduating
Other education
(provide the highest level of tertiary education you have achieved)
Abilities (gits) or other talents
자신의 은사
Occupational skills
The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) requires the following information as their preferred way of improving the method of gathering data on socioeconomic status, resulting from their Advancing Equity and Participation in Higher Education study of 2007.
1a. Parent/Guardian #1
1b. What was the highest level of education completed
by your parent/guardian #1
2a. Parent/Guardian #1
2b. What was the highest level of education completed
by your parent/guardian #1
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USI Number (학생번호)
Do you have USI Number?
USI Numberit 기 소유한 USI 번호
If you do not have it, would you permit ACC to get USI
on the behalf of you?
Type of ID for USI (신분증 종류) ID Number (신분증 번호)
Otherwise, you must apply USI number through the following web address. When your USI was issued, please inform it to ACC.
Pastor’s name 목사님 이름
Church Name
Pastor’s name 목사님 성명(한글)
Pastor Phone Pastor E-mail
City State
Post code
Signature of Agreement
If I am accepted by Australian College of Christianity I will abide by the spirit, policies and schedule of the school.
Signature Date
Please send two recent clear photographs with your application and photocopied passport
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5. Additional questions 추가 질문
Please prayerfully answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
(a) Please describe your Christian conversion experience and your present spiritual relationship with the Lord(No more than one page).
주님을 만난 경험과 현재의 주님과의 영적인 관계 (한 장이 넘지 않게)
(b) What areas of your character are you presently seeking God to further develop and improve?
개인적으로 더 계발하고 향상이 필요해서 하나님의 도움을 구하고 있는 성품의 영역?
(c) What Church involvement have you had?
교회 활동?
(d) How would you describe relationships within your immediate family?
현재 가족들과의 관계?
(e) Why do you want to join the ACC?
ACC에 입학하고 싶은 이유는?
(f) How did you hear about the ACC?
ACC에 대해 어떻게 들었나?
Austudy and Abstudy (for Australian students only)
Austudy and Abstudy are available for Australian students – Provider Code and Course Code will be provided.

How to make school fees payment (All courses except for BCA or MA courses)
학비 내시는 방법 (학사, 석사 제외)
Westpac BSB Number 032 778, Account Number 455 600 (Account Name: Australian College of Christianity)
Cheques/bank drafts should be made out to "Australia Christian College".

For the school fees details and refund policy for 2017 see the website (
학비에 대한 세부 설명과 환불 정책은 웹 사이트를 참조해 주세요.
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Nominate a contact person in the case of an emergency: 비상 연락망
Please make sure this person is aware you are providing their contact details to us for emergency purposes.
Emergency First Name Emergency Last Name
Emergency Relationship Emergency Home Phone
Emergency Mobile Emergency Work Phone
Emergency E-mail
Emergency Full Address
Do you have a disability, impairment or long term medical or mental health condition that may affect your studies?
공부에 장애를 주는 신체적 또는 정신적 어려움이 있나요?
If yes, please indicate the area/s of impairment 장애 영역을 표기해 주세요.
** ACC reserves the right to request medical certification of your fitness to study, to ensure we are able to care for your individual needs.
학교는 개인적 필요를 돌보기 위해 병원 진료 증명서를 요청할 수 있습니다.
Will you require study assistance in relation to your condition?
위의 조건으로 인한 학습 지원을 필요로 하는 지?
Korean language, literary and Numeracy
영어 (쓰기, 말하기, 듣기), 산수 능력
(rate: 1- very poor 5-very good)
How is your Korean Writing?
How is your Korean Speaking?
How is your Korean Hearing?
How is your mathematical ability?
Please tick the statements that
are TRUE for you
Contact Detail 연락처
Telephone: 61 (02) 6255 4597, 070 7562 9377 (LG)
Mobile: 61 0402 140 905
Email :,,
Mail to: Australian College of Christianity
Po Box 1264 Dickson ACT 2602 Australia
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Please tick boxes to indicate agreement 체크를 하여 동의를 표시해 주세요.

Application Completion Checklist
Please carefully review and check-off below, all requirements throughout your application to ensure it is accurate and complete. This will ensure that your application can be processed.
Checklist 체크 목록

Please note that if your application is incomplete it cannot be processed as it needs to comply with the requirements of the national vet regulator (NVR)
Reference 추천서
Reference 추천서는 작성후 스켄받아서 파일 첨부로 올려주세요.
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