1. Personal Details 개인 신상
Permanent Address 현 주소
Current Residential Address 현 호주 내 주소
In case of Emergency 비상시 연락망
Marital status 결혼 상태
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4. Additional questions 추가 질문
Please prayerfully answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
(a) Please describe your Christian conversion experience and your present spiritual relationship with the Lord(No more than one page). 주님을 만난 경험과 현재의 주님과의 영적인 관계 (한 장이 넘지 않게) |
(b) What areas of your character are you presently seeking God to further develop and improve? 개인적으로 더 계발하고 향상이 필요해서 하나님의 도움을 구하고 있는 성품의 영역? |
(c) What Church involvement have you had? 교회 활동? |
(d) How would you describe relationships within your immediate family? 현재 가족들과의 관계? |
(e) Why do you want to join the ACC? ACC에 입학하고 싶은 이유는? |
(f) How did you hear about the ACC? ACC에 대해 어떻게 들었나? |
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Korean language, literary and Numeracy
영어 (쓰기, 말하기, 듣기), 산수 능력
(rate: 1- very poor 5-very good)
Please tick boxes to indicate agreement 체크를 하여 동의를 표시해 주세요.
Application Completion Checklist
Please carefully review and check-off below, all requirements throughout your application to ensure it is accurate and complete. This will ensure that your application can be processed.
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