Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling – CHC81015



Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling – CHC81015, CRICOS Code: 0100496

The Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling course is designed to provide students with the specialised skills and knowledge required to work as family and/or couples relationship counsellors.
They learn various family therapies, domestic violence, children and youth counselling, couple relationship, family law and applied research including extensive clinical experience.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed 50 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency.

At the Graduate Diploma (AQF8) level:

  • Graduates will have advanced knowledge and mastery skills in relationship counselling areas and their professional occupations.
  • Graduates will have advanced cognitive and communication skills to select and apply methods.
  • analyse critically, evaluate and transform information to complete a range of activities.
  • analyse, generate and transmit solutions to complex problems transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to others.
  • Graduates will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, well-developed judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner or learner.


The Graduates who are awarded this qualification will be equipped to work:

  • Independently or in organisations, providing counselling interventions, (rather than counselling support), for families and/or couples experiencing relationship issues of a complex nature.
  • In the counselling contexts including pre- or post- separation and divorce or where the client has involvement with the Family Law system.
  • As Counsellors who may make high level, independent, complex judgements in highly specialised contexts.
  • With the following occupation titles as a professional family counsellor:
    • Child and Family counsellor
    • Family counsellor
    • Contact service practice manager
    • Family relationship counsellor
    • Couples counsellor
    • Marriage counsellor
    • Divorce counsellor
    • Youth counsellor
    • Separations counsellor


The Graduate Diploma course can be completed in 2 years if studied full-time. Part-time study options are available. Each subject takes 110 hrs on average to complete. Students need to spend 16-17 hours in studying a week. To complete the Graduate Diploma of counselling, 11 units of competency are required including 5 core units and 6 elective units. (see course structure part below for the specific descriptions)


For award of this qualification, candidates must complete workplace application under supervision. Based on this workplace application, evidence provided by the supervisor will contribute to the assessment of the candidate’s ability to apply skills and knowledge as specified in the core units of competency. Students need to complete 50hrs of counselling practice to get the qualification.


This course is delivered in Sydney (9 Blaxland Road Rhodes, NSW 2138), Melbourne (5 Burwood rd, VIC), Brisbane ( 124 Nemies Rd, Runcorn QLD 4113) and Canberra (ACC building Gate 2 Randwick Road Lyneham 2602). In each campus, there is projector, table, chairs, tea area, kitchen, library, air conditioning and resting area.


The training and assessment are delivered online or mixture of different modes for local or oversea students. However, international program in Australia is delivered in a mixture mode (face to face mostly and little bit of online)


This course was designed to train Korean and other ethnic communities. The training will be delivered in their own languages. A recognition of prior learning strategy may be utilised for students with previous qualification, knowledge, skills and work experience.


Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling

To gain entry into CHC81015 Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling, candidates must have:

  • An undergraduate degree or higher qualification in Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Social Work, Social Science or equivalent


  • Hold a Diploma of Counselling from the CHC Community Services Training Package or equivalent


  • Previous experience in a family counselling environment in a job role involving the self directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas, the exercise of independent judgement and decision making, and a range of technical and other skills.


In general terms, training will be provided through:

a) Intensive seminars that are held every term
b) Private study time for each subject
c) One-on-one mentoring by a qualified trainer
     This may be either over the phone or skype, in the Classes,
d) Small group discussion or peer supervision with a qualified trainer
e) Counselling practice in organization or in private practice
f) Professional supervision on counselling practice.
g) Completion of a range of assignments such as Journals, Written Assesments, Essays, Report, Open book test, Oral test, Presentation, Small group discussion, Counselling Practice, Interview or Reading Materials.
h) For counselling practice, students need to find a counselling clinic for their work experience or they can find their own clients through Korean community magazines news column and do their private counselling practice. All students need to be a counselling association member and need to have private insurance if they charge fees to the clients.


Each unit was designed for accredited training in counselling with vocational outcomes. It will train students to achieve learning outcomes and units of competency through proper training and assessment process and tools.
Each assessment method is designed to cover units of competency.
Students who successfully completed all the requirements of each training stage graduate the diploma course which means they obtain the result of “Competent” in all subjects.
Final Academic Transcripts will show results as either

C Competent
NYC Not Yet Competent.

When students are satisfactory in all assessments, they receive the result of “Competent”
When they are not satisfactory in an assessment aspect, they will receive “Not Yet Competent” A student whose result for an assessment item is “Not Yet Competent” will have a second chance to resubmit the assignment. If the result of the second submitted assignment is still not satisfactory, the student will be required to pay a penalty and may resubmit their assignment as their last chance. If the student does not pass the subject and wish to continue studies, they will be required to re-enrol into that subject an will be charged in full for those units.

ACC follows principles of assessment and rules of evidence in assessment process in line with the standards of NVR RTO
Principles of assessment are required to ensure quality outcomes. Assessments should be fair, flexible, valid and reliable as follows:

  1. Fairness: Fairness requires consideration of the individual candidate’s needs and characteristics, and any reasonable adjustments that need to be applied to take account of them. It requires clear communication between the assessor and the candidate to ensure that the candidate is fully informed about, understands, and is able to participate in, the assessment process, and agrees that the process is appropriate. It also includes an opportunity for the person being assessed to challenge the result of the assessment and to be reassessed if necessary.
  2. Flexible: To be flexible, assessment should reflect the candidate’s needs; provide for recognition of competencies no matter how, where or when they have been acquired; draw on a range of methods appropriate to the context, competency and the candidate; and, support continuous competency development.
  3. Validity: There are five major types of validity: face, content, criterion (i.e. predictive and concurrent), construct and consequential. In general, validity is concerned with the appropriateness of the inferences, use and consequences that result from the assessment. In simple terms, it is concerned with the extent to which an assessment decision about a candidate (e.g. competent/not yet competent, a grade and/or a mark), based on the evidence of performance by the candidate, is justified. It requires determining conditions that weaken the truthfulness of the decision, exploring alternative explanations for good or poor performance, and feeding them back into the assessment process to reduce errors when making inferences about competence.
    Unlike reliability, validity is not simply a property of the assessment tool. As such, an assessment tool designed for a particular purpose and target group may not necessarily lead to valid interpretations of performance and assessment decisions if the tool was used for a different purpose and/or target group
  4. Reliability: There are five types of reliability: internal consistency; parallel forms; split-half; inter-rater; and, intra-rater. In general, reliability is an estimate of how accurate or precise the task is as a measurement instrument. Reliability is concerned with how much error is included in the evidence.

Rules of Evidence are closely related to the principles of assessment and provide guidance on the collection of evidence to ensure that it is valid, sufficient, authentic and current as follows:

  1. Validity: see Principles of Assessment.
  2. Sufficiency: Sufficiency relates to the quality and quantity of evidence assessed. It requires collection of enough appropriate evidence to ensure that all aspects of competency have been satisfied and that competency can be demonstrated repeatedly. Supplementary sources of evidence may be necessary. The specific evidence requirements of each unit of competency provide advice on sufficiency.
  3. Authenticity: To accept evidence as authentic, an assessor must be assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the candidate’s own work.
  4. Currency: Currency relates to the age of the evidence presented by candidates to demonstrate that they are still competent. Competency requires demonstration of current performance, so the evidence must be from either the present or the very recent past.


The Australian College of Christianity is highly committed to equity and access policy to help students with disabilities who need help in completing the course. ACC may play a role in overcoming barriers or provide access to external services. If necessary, course delivery and assessing methods may be modified to take into account of their circumstances while maintaining integrity of the unit of competency. (See ‘ Students with Special Needs’ on your student handbook for the further details.)


The following course-specific competencies are achieved through completion of the Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling.

Core Units

National Code                                          Competency
CHCDFV008 Manage respond to domestic and family violence in family work
CHCFCS001 Facilitate the family counselling process
CHCFCS002 Provide relationship counselling
CHCFCS003 Provide counselling to children and young people
CHCPRP007 Work within a clinical supervision framework

Elective Units

National Code                          Competency
CHCAOD006 Provide interventions for people with alcohol and other drugs issue
BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation
CHCGRP005 Plan and provide group counselling
HLTAHW051 Respond to loss, grief and trauma
BSBINS603 Initiate and lead applied research
CHCYTH022 Provide services for the needs and circumstances of young people


To achieve the Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling, students must satisfactorily complete the subjects in the following table. Graduate Diploma course includes 11 subjects (5 units of core units and 5 units of elective units ), an approximate 1200 hours of study.

Subject Code Name Subject length Competency Code Volume (hr: hours)
GDCDV008 Domestic violence counselling Term CHCDFV008 125hrs
GDCFC001 Family therapies 2 Term CHCFCS001 250hrs
GDCR002 Relationship counselling Term CHCFCS002 125hrs
GDCCY003 Child counselling Term CHCFCS003 125hrs
GDCCS007 Counselling practice and supervision 2 Term CHCPRP007 250hrs
GDCCHC006 Alcohol Term CHCAOD006 125hrs
GDCLS605 Leadership Term BSBLDR602 125hrs
GDCGC005 Group Counselling Term CHCGRP005 175hrs
GDCHKT051 Trauma Term HKTAHW051 125hrs
GDCLR801 Applied Research 2-4 Term BSBINS603 400hrs
GDCYC010 Adolescence Counselling Term CHCYTH022 175hrs


Not Applicable