Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology 11238NAT, CRICOS Code: 106597G

Department of Theology

11238NAT Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology, CRICOS Code: 106597G


This course is intended to provide participants with a range of knowledge and skills to perform the following functions within a Christian ministry context:

  • Interpret, analyze and apply integrated concepts related to Christian beliefs;
  • Provide considered information and ideas related to Christian beliefs and teachings to Christian and non-Christian audiences;

Provide leadership to Christians based on demonstrated understanding of Christianity.


Entry Requirements

To enter

11238NAT Diploma Christian Ministry and Theology, candidates should have a year 12 school certificate, its equivalent or maturity and appropriate life experience. It is recommended that candidates have relevant experience to indicate likely success at this level of qualification in a job role involving:

  • The self-directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas
  • The exercise of independent judgement and decision-making
  • The application of relevant technical and other skills.


Course Prerequisites

no prerequisite requirements.


Duration of Qualification and Volume of Learning

This program is a full-time course completed over a period of 1.5 year full time

The AQF Volume of Learning for a 11238NAT Diploma Christian Ministry and Theology is 1200 ~ 2400 hours. Please refer to details of how this program meets this requirement on following pages including our timetable and details about weekly training and assessment, online lecture, practice in workplace.



The primary pathway from this qualification is into the Christian Ministry and Theology. Students may also undertake further studies in Advanced diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology by undertaking qualifications such as Graduate Certificate in Christian Ministry and Theology and Graduate Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology.


Employment Outcomes

Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:

Graduates will be able to apply integrated theoretical concepts and skills related to theological beliefs of church groups and knowledge of groups holding other views which are relevant to Christian ministry contexts.

The purpose of this course is to either:

  • Qualify individuals to serve and lead in church groups and other ministry contexts within a broad range of specialised independent roles and in accordance with the values, procedures and practice guidelines of those church groups and Christian ministry contexts, or
  • To provide a pathway for further learning by progression to higher level of qualifications developed in conjunction with this course, and in particular, to the Advanced Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology

Graduates of this course will have acquired specialised knowledge related to the beliefs of church groups and knowledge of groups holding other views which are relevant to Christian ministry contexts.

Graduates of this course will also have gained skills consistent with the Diploma AQF descriptor such as the ability to:

  • Analyse information related to Christian beliefs
  • Provide guidance and leadership in a range of life and ministry situations based on more advanced interpretations about Christian beliefs
  • Provide considered information related to Christian beliefs and understandings to some Christian and some non-Christian audiences
  • Provide solutions to some complex theological problems
  • Fulfil more formal roles with increasing leadership responsibilities, expectations and requirements, within the Christian ministry sector

Graduates of this Course will demonstrate the application of the knowledge and skills they have gained:

  • By more independent judgement when advising others on possible courses of action in a range of life or ministry related situations
  • By applying more advanced, flexible approaches they have gained to the study of Christian concepts and beliefs to a broad range of advanced subjects and topics
  • Take responsibility for ministry situations with changing contexts within broad organisational parameters

The course outcomes of this Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology are consistent with the qualification type descriptor found in the Australian Qualification Framework Second Edition, January 2013.


Core and Elective Units

Packaging Rules

Total number of units = 12

  • Each term 2 units,
  • 6 core units
  • 3 elective units, of which:
  • 3 Additional Units (Choose  from CMT units)

All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.


Core Units
Unit Code Unit Title
CMTTHE501 Analyse and interpret Christian Scripture and Theology (108 hrs)

(Introduction Theology 1 & 2, Christology, Ecclesiology, Soteriology, Eschatology)

CMTTHE502 Utilise the analysis of theological data (108 hrs)

(Introduction Bible, Introduction New Testament 1.2, Introduction Old Testament 1.2, Synoptic Gospel, Moses’s Pentateuch, Historical Books, Prophets, Paul’s Letters, Understanding Acts, John’s Gospel, General Letters, Revelations, Wisdom Literature, Psalm, Apocalyptic Literature)

CMTTHE503 Research and analyse information within a theological theme or issue (108 hrs)

(History of Bible, History of Old Testament, History of New Testament, History of Intertestamental Period, Early Church History, Medieval Church History, Reformation History,  Comparison Bible History and General History)

CMTTHE504 Analyse and apply new theological insights (216 hrs)

(Biblical Leadership, Biblical Worldview, Mission Perspective, Lay Theology)

CMTMIN501 Facilitate personal or social change through the application of theological ideas (216 hrs)

(Practical Theology, Pastoral Counselling, Christian Counselling, Christian Ethic, Christian Education)

CMTMIN502 Present theological beliefs and their implications (216 hrs)

(Preaching Studies, Pastoral Practice, Theology and Science, Vocational Theology, Discipleship Training, House Church)

Elective Units
Unit Code   Unit Title
CHCMHS001   Work with people with mental health issues (Mental Health) (108 hrs)
CHCLEG001   Work legally and ethically (Ethic) (108 hrs)
CHCGRP002   Plan and conduct group activities (Group Communication) (108 hrs)

CHCMHS008     Promote and facilitate self- advocacy (108 hrs)