Dr. Mugie Kim, Ph.D.
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
- M.Div. Chongsin University
- Th.M. Pyeongtaek University
- Ph.D. Pyeongtaek University
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Theology Kosin University
M.Div. Korea Theological Seminary
Th.M. Chongsin University
D.Min. Fuller Theological Seminary
Ph.D. Philosophy University of the Cumberlands
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Chongshin University
M.Div. Chongshin University
Th.M. ACTS University
Ph.D. Theology Chongshin University
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Theology Sungkyul University
Th.M. Kangnam University
M.A. Theology Korea Baptist Theological University
Ph.D. Theology Seoul Theological University
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. English Literature Konkuk University
M.A. Education Korea International Culture University
Ph.D. Education Korea International Culture Univeristy
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Social Welfare Seoul Theological University
M.A. Education Yonsei University
M.A. Arts Daehan Theological Seminary & University
Ph.D. Education Kongju National University
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Education Korea National Open University
M.A. Childcare Yonsei University
M.Div. Baekseok University
Ph.D. Business Administration Soongsil University
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Engineering Dongguk University
M.Div. Seoul Theological University
Dr. theol. Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal Bethel
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Engineering, Seoul University
M.A. Engineering, Seoul University
Ph.D. Engineering, Seoul University
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Education Seoul National University
M.A. Education Seoul National University
Ph.D. Education Seoul National University
Professor of CCC Degree Courses
B.A. Childcare Gwangju University
M.A. Childcare Sookmyung Women’s University
M.A. Social Welfare Cheongju University
Ph.D. Social Welfare Ewa Womans University
D.Miss. Washington Baptist University