VET Student Loans


Explore your fee and payment options, learn about the VET Student Loan program and check your eligibility.

From 1 January 2017, the Commonwealth VET Student Loans program replaced the VET FEE-HELP loan program.
This Commonwealth Government program allows you to access loans for courses that:

  • have a high national priority
  • meet industry needs
  • contribute to addressing skills shortages
  • lead to employment outcomes.

The program also features loan caps for course loans. This means if your fees are above the loan cap, you will need to pay the difference. Most Australian College of Christianity students will not be affected by loan caps, but if you are, you will be advised of this during your enrolment. Please note, that loan caps are indexed annually in accordance with the VET Student Loans Act 2016.

The VET Student Loans program allows eligible students to repay their tuition fees for any approved diplomas or advanced diplomas (see Is a VET Student Loan available for my course?).

You can either:

  • repay all your tuition fees (up to the loan cap limit) when your income reaches the repayment threshold
  • pay some of your tuition fees upfront and repay the balance when your income reaches the repayment threshold.

Your loan is repaid through the Australian tax system when you reach the minimum income threshold for repayment. The minimum income threshold for repayment is set by the Commonwealth each year and is published on Study Assist (Loan Repayment) and in the VET Student Loans information booklet. There is a loan fee of 20% for full fee-paying students. There is no loan fee for eligible students in some NSW Government subsidised (Smart and Skilled) training places.

You must be aware that your loan remains a personal debt until it is repaid, and it may reduce your take-home (after tax) wage and your borrowing capacity. You may wish to seek independent financial advice before applying.

For more information about the fees for Government subsidised training places, please visit Smart and Skilled – Prices, fees and subsidies. Centrelink benefits do not affect your eligibility or the loan amount you can access. Fee concessions are not available for Diploma and above courses. However, fee exemptions may be available for eligible students in a Smart and Skilled place. Please contact your campus/college for further information.

To be eligible, you must either:

  • be an Australian citizen, or
  • a permanent humanitarian visa holder, who is usually resident in Australia, or
  • a Pacific engagement visa holder, who is usually resident in Australia (census dates after 1 February 2024)
  • be a qualifying New Zealand citizen on Special Category Visa (SCV) who meets the long term residency requirements*

* Holders of other permanent visas and temporary visas are NOT eligible for a VET Student Loan

You must also:

  • have a tax file number (TFN) or be applying for one. The personal details of your TFN with the ATO, must match the personal details you have provided to Australian College of Christianity, for example your name and date of birth (see Commonwealth TFN Student Fact Sheet)
  • have a Unique Student Identifier (USI)
  • intend to undertake your course primarily in Australia
  • meet the academic suitability requirements of the VET Student Loans Student Entry Procedure (that is, assessed as academically suitable to undertake a high level vocational qualification)
  • not have exceeded your lifetime Commonwealth student loan limit, which is set each year by the Commonwealth
  • have read the VET Student Loans information booklet.
  • have given any requested documentation to Australian College of Christianity  and submitted the electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) online by the first census day no less than two business days after enrolling (see How do I apply)
  • comply with ongoing Commonwealth engagement and progression requests to log on to complete their online student engagement form to confirm that you are a genuine student, continuing to study and the progress in your course. You will get these requests two or three times a year, depending on how long your course is. If you do not complete the form and survey within the required time, you may be ineligible to continue accessing VET Student Loans to pay for the remainder of your course tuition fees.

HELP Loan Limit

The HELP loan limit is the total amount you can borrow to pay your tuition fees including FEE-HELP, HECS-HELP, VET FEE-HELP or a VET Student Loan; any amount borrowed will be added together until you reach the HELP loan limit. Students can view their loan obligations by logging into myHELPbalance from the Study Assist website. You will need your CHESSN or USI to log in, please check your VET Student Loan Fee Notice to locate your USI.

HELP Balance

The HELP balance is the available amount of FEE-HELP, HECS-HELP, VET FEE-HELP or VET Student Loan that you have left to use before you reach the HELP loan limit. Your HELP balance is renewable. Any compulsory or voluntary repayments you make starting from the 2019-20 income year, will top up your HELP balance which allows you to re-borrow up to the HELP loan limit. You are responsible for keeping track of your HELP balance and for advising your provider if you do not have enough left to cover your tuition fees. Students can view their loan obligations by logging into myHELPbalance from the Study Assist website. You will need your CHESSN or USI to log in, please check your VET Student Loan Fee Notice to locate your USI.

What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

The Commonwealth requires all students studying in a nationally recognised training course to have a USI. If you already have one, please ensure you use this same USI whenever you enrol for any training. If you don’t have a USI, go to  to register before you apply to enrol, or you can apply as part of your enrolment.

What is a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)?

A CHESSN was allocated to all students as a primary student identifier when they first accessed a Commonwealth Loan prior to 2021. For new students (from 2021), the CHESSN has been replaced by the USI and will be the primary student identifier moving forward.

New Zealand Citizens

A qualifying New Zealand citizen is a New Zealand citizen who meets all of the following:

  1. holds a special visa category, such as the New Zealand Special Category Visa (SCV)
  2. has been usually resident in Australia for at least 10 years
  3. was a dependent child when he or she was first usually resident in Australia
  4. has been in Australia for periods totalling 8 years during the previous 10 years and
  5. has been in Australia for periods totalling 18 months during the previous 2 years.

You will need to provide evidence of your eligibility to Australian College of Christianity  before requesting a VET Student Loan.

VET Student Loans are available for only Diploma of Counselling; full-time, part-time and online study.

If course prices are above the maximum loan a student may borrow, other payment arrangements are available. You will be advised of these when you enquire.

VET Student Loan Tuition Fees are published as required under the VET Student Loans Act 2016 and are regularly updated.

A VET Student Loan is an agreement between you and the Commonwealth Government.

To apply for a VET Student loan:

  • you must meet all the loan eligibility requirements
  • if you are accepted into a course, Australian College of Christianity will advise the Commonwealth that you wish to apply for a loan
  • the Commonwealth will email you a passkey to access the electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) online
  • you will need to provide your valid Tax File Number (TFN), so have it handy when you log on to the online form. If you don’t have a TFN, you can apply at most Australia Post outlets. A valid Tax File Number means that the details you provide to Australian College of Christianity must match those held with the Australian Tax Office. If you provide an invalid Tax File Number, you will not be able to access a VET Student Loan for your tuition fees. Check your details are correct by logging into your MyGov account prior to applying for a loan.
  • your loan application (eCAF) is separate to your enrolment with Australian College of Christianity. The Commonwealth Government requires that there is a two day cooling off period between your enrolment and applying for a loan.
  • the census day is the last day you can apply for a loan for the fees for that period, so make sure you complete your application promptly.

As with any loan you take, you must understand the terms and conditions before you make a commitment. You must read the VET Student Loan information available on Study Assist, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website for students and consider seeking independent financial advice.

During your study, you may be contacted again by the Commonwealth to confirm your engagement and progression in your course and confirm that you wish to continue to use your VET Student Loan to pay your tuition fees for the course. It is important that you advise Australian College of Christianity if any of your personal or contact details change during your study. Further information regarding the VET Student Loan engagement and progression process is available on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website. If you do not complete the engagement and progression process, you will not be able to continue access to a VET Student Loan for your tuition fees.

Under 18:

There are no age restrictions to apply for a VET Student Loan. For students who are under 18, you must complete one of the following requirements:

  • your parent or guardian must sign the Commonwealth’s parental consent form for your loan. This is available from your college or on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website. You must provide this form to your college before you can apply for a loan. OR
  • if you are receiving Youth Allowance on the basis that you are independent, you must provide your Centrelink Income Statement noting your independent assessment.

Your parent or guardian will not be responsible for making loan repayments and it will not affect their credit rating.

All students wishing to apply for a Commonwealth VET Student Loan must be assessed for academic suitability to undertake a high level VET qualification. This is aimed at ensuring you have the skills and knowledge to succeed in your course.

Academic assessment is in addition to any other entry requirements for your course, or any other additional selection criteria. Refer to the VET Student Loans Student Entry Procedure.

To be assessed as academically suitable, you must either:

  • provide a copy of your senior secondary certificate of education (that has been awarded by an Australian authority or agency), or
  • provide evidence of attainment of an Australian Qualification Framework qualification at Certificate IV or above. You may provide a transcript from your previous provider (or a transcript from the national USI register for qualifications attained from 2015) or evidence of an approved Australian Government assessed overseas qualification. If it is a Australian College of Christianity  qualification, let us know where and when you studied, or
  • undertake an approved literacy and numeracy assessment and be competent at Exit Level 3 (working at level 4) or above. Your college will assist you through the process to undertake this assessment if required. There is no cost to you.
  • Australian College of Christianity uses the Australian Council for Educational Reserach (ACER) to assess Your literacy and numeracy level (

If you have completed previous studies, you could be eligible for reduced fees. You should let Australian College of Christianity know as soon as possible if you have experience in the area you are studying and think you may qualify for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning). You can also discuss this with your teacher before you enrol.

Completing a high level qualification with Australian College of Christianity provides a great pathway to many university degrees. Please contact us

Fees for courses eligible for VET Student Loans are charged by Units of Study. Your course will have at least three Units of Study and your payments will be spread across the duration of your course. Each Unit of Study has a census day, set at no less than 20% into the Unit of Study.

You will be sent a VET Student Loan Fee Notice 14 days before each census day, indicating your fees and census days. Your debt is incurred on the day after the census day. After a census day has passed, Australian College of Christianity will also send you a Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) for that Unit of Study. The CAN will provide you with information about your debt, including the loan fee if applicable. If you believe your CAN is incorrect, you should contact your college immediately.

There may be a gap between the course fee and the loan cap that the Commonwealth will allow for your course. You will be advised of this when you enquire, and also about other payment options that may be available. You must apply for a loan and pay any gap fee prior to the census date in order to finalise your payment for that Unit of Study.

You repay your loan through the tax system when your income is above the minimum repayment threshold. Repayment thresholds are adjusted each year to reflect changes in average weekly earnings. A VET Student Loan is a personal debt obligation that can affect your credit rating and have wage and tax repayment implications. From 1 July 2017, all existing and future debtors from any Commonwealth student loan program who move overseas must make compulsory HELP repayments. If you are living overseas and earning an income that exceeds the minimum repayment threshold, you will be required to make compulsory repayments towards your debt. Please refer to the ATO website for more information.

For more information regarding Commonwealth loan repayment thresholds, please visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website.

For a summary of the important information you need to know, read or download the VET Student Loans – Frequently asked questions. Or visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and the Study Assist websites.

If you are considering applying for a VET Student Loan, you should familiarise yourself with your obligations by reading the VET Student Loan information booklet.

Further information is available at:

To ensure fair treatment for students, Australian College of Christianity has policies on a range of issues including student selection, entry requirements, assessment and equal opportunity. Further information can be found on the Policies page.

If you choose to withdraw or defer, you may be entitled to a refund of any up-front payment you’ve made, or re-credit of your loan balance if you have taken a Commonwealth Student Loan.

The loan amount you incur will depend on the timing of your withdrawal or deferral. There are no penalties if you withdraw or defer on or before the census day. However, once a census day has passed, the loan amount for the Unit of Study is incurred.

In some special circumstances, you may apply to have your debt reversed by completing the Application to re-credit a HELP balance form within 12 months of the census day of the Unit of Study/Part of a Course.

Students also have the right to apply for a review of a decision not to re-credit a loan balance. See the VET Student Loans Student Review Procedure.

If Australian College of Christianity ceases to provide a course in which you are enrolled, Australian College of Christianity will ensure that you are offered enrolment in a similar course of study. Alternatively, you will be provided a refund of any upfront payments or a re-credit to your loan balance for any units of study (due to Australian College of Christianity ceasing to offer that course or a suitable alternative option).

If you are enrolling in Australian College of Christianity to complete a qualification as a result of a provider closure, you will not be charged for AQF Units of Competency that you have completed and will receive credit transfer for those Units of Competency. * Units of Competency where the National Code is the same or equivalent as per

When you enrol at Australian College of Christianity, the collection, storage, use and disclosure of any personal information you provide are Privacy Policy

Tuition Fee Schedule (VSL)

Course Code : CHC51015
Course Name : Diploma of Counselling (local only)
Intake : February 2025
Campus : Mixed mode
Duration : 24 months, full-time

Unit of Study Code/ competency codeUnit of Study NameCommencement DateCensus DayExpected Completion DateTuition FeeVSL Deferred AmountLoan FeeTotal VSL DebtGap Fee
DCCR001/ CHCCSL001Counselling Relationship17/02/202503/03/202525/04/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCCC002/ CHCCSL002Counselling Communication17/02/202503/03/202525/04/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
CHCAOD001Alcohol and Other drugs counselling05/05/202519/05/202504/07/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCCT006 1/ HCCSL006Counselling therapies05/05/202519/05/202504/07/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCDT004/CHCCSL004Development theories21/07/202504/08/202519/09/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCCT006-2/ CHCCSL006Counselling therapies21/07/202504/08/202519/09/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCGC017/ CHCCCS017Grief counselling06/10/202520/10/202505/12/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCMI001/CHCMHS001Mental Health06/10/202520/10/202505/12/2025$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCCM005/ CHCCSM013Case Management23/02/202610/03/202624/04/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCMC012/ CHCDIV001, CHCDIV002Cross-culture Counselling23/02/202610/03/202624/04/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCPS037/ CHCCSL003, CHCCSL007Counselling Process and Client support11/05/202625/05/202610/07/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCCE001/ CHCLEG001Counselling ethics11/05/202625/05/202610/07/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCLT005/ CHCCSL005Learning theories27/07/202610/08/202625/09/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCCC019/ CHCCCS019Crisis Counselling27/07/202610/08/202625/09/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCRI003/ CHCPRP003Assessment and Improvement in Professional practice12/10/202626/10/202611/12/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
DCGC002/ CHCGRP002Group Counselling12/10/202626/10/202611/12/2026$1,000.00$1,000.00$200.00$1,200.00$0.00
  • Census Day : the last day students can submit their eCAF to apply for VSL for that Unit of Study, or the last day students can withdraw their enrolment without incurring a debt for that Unit of Study.
  • Gap Fee : any out-of-pocket tuition fees payable by the student that will not be covered by a VSL.

The order of unit can be changed according to student’s academic progress.