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Australian College of Christianity (Online available)
Australian Christian University has various courses. There were the existing Diploma of Counseling and...
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5월 가정의 달 온라인 특강
신종 코로나 바이러스와 가정의 달 5월 오픈 특강
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2023 ACC Free Online Special Lecture
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ACC MOU with KUKKIWON (Taekwondo)
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Australian College of Christianity pursuing change and inner growth
The Australian College of Christianity is undergoing a major change as we enter 2021...
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Charis College Ministry – update
Australian Christian University begins the ministry of running a counseling department in mission areas...
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Golf major student recruitment (Sports Coaching Department opened)
Australian College of Christianity is recruiting golf major students.
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무료로 온라인 참여가 가능한 가정세미나 특강 소식
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